importance of SHRAADH

Pitru Paksha (17th September to 02nd October 2024) is a wonderful opportunity to reduce lineage karma and improve the energy flow in our lives. It is an auspicious 16 day period to express gratitude to our ancestors by performing sacred ancestral rituals and annadaan (food donation).

This provides salvation to our dear departed ones and clears their way for higher evolution. In return, we receive their abundant blessings which clears our blockages and reduces the heavy burden of our lineage karma. Very often, blocked progress is a sign of blockages in our lineage that affect every area of our life. Thus, we gain momentum in our relationships, career, abundance, progeny and every other aspect of our life.

The best way to unhook from all the karmic linkage is gratitude. Shraadh is one way you express gratitude to the dear departed. You are actually saying thank you, be liberated. Thus it releases you and it releases them and it helps the journey.

Global Spiritual Leader and Philanthropist



Clear blockages to abundance, relationships, career, health and well-being

Gain blessings for success and prosperity for self, children and future generations
Salvation for our ancestors clearing the way for their higher evolution

what we offer


During this period, Ammucare, under the ACT4Hunger banner, is performing annadaan for saints and needy people at the following powerful spiritual power centers (Haridwar, Rishikesh, Varanasi, Shirdi, Sri Sailam, Gokarna, Tiruvannamalai, Gangapur, Ganeshpuri). Wherever possible, we will get the food blessed by a priest with a sankalpam (intent) for the wellbeing of the donors.


Ancestral rituals (shraadh ceremony), using specific mantras and offerings, as per scriptural injunctions can be performed by priests, on your behalf, at the following locations – Gokarna, Puri, Kashi, Prayagraj and Gaya.

Locations for Ritual


12600 INR / 154 USD / 140 EUR
(Booking Closed)


The place where Buddha got enlightened is the seat of Lord Vishnu and bears his holy footprints and is considered to have his living grace.


9000 INR / 110 USD / 100 EUR
(Booking Closed)


Gokarna (called the Kashi of the South) is the only place in the world with the living aspect (atmalinga) of Lord Shiva, consecrated by Lord Ganpati himself.


9000 INR / 110 USD / 100 EUR
(Booking Closed)


The holy ​​confluence of three rivers (Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati), is the location of the main Kumbh Mela, the most powerful spiritual gathering in the world


14400 INR / 176 USD / 160 EUR
(Booking Closed)


The seat of the famous and powerful Lord Jagannatha, significant location on the 'Krishna pilgrimage circuit' and considered a Moksha Dham (seat of liberation)


14400 INR / 176 USD / 160 EUR
(Booking Closed)


This holiest of cities, that every Hindu is supposed to visit at least once in their lifetime, is considered the abode of Lord Shiva.


Hinduism recognizes pitrus (ancestors) as one of the five major influences in our lives which are honored and acknowledged by the panch (five) mahayajnas (great rituals) – brahma or rishi (Masters and teachers), devata ( benevolent deities), bhoota (Earth, Nature and the elemental energies), and nar (fellow humans and beings). We have inherited two major things from our lineage – the gross (wealth, property, name, fame, etc) and the subtle (aspirations, desires, good and bad karmas of their cumulative actions and their residual effects). To reduce the heavy brunt of bad lineage karma, The scriptures recommend continual cleansing through good actions as well as rituals, charity and service, as a duty to our ancestors and as a blessing for ourselves, our children and our coming generations.

The best way to unhook from all the lineage karma is gratitude.

When you serve the lineage, when you pay respects to the lineage, when you devote yourself to the welfare of the lineage, then the lineage gets cleaner, lighter, and that will enhance your existence on Earth.

Global Spiritual Leader and Philanthropist


We offer our gratitude to our ancestors (both known and unknown) by performing ancestral rituals (the shraadh ceremony) conducted by priests, using specific mantras and offerings, as per scriptural injunctions. Being one of the panch mahayajnas underscores the importance of the shraadh ceremony for the wellbeing of a departed soul and one’s responsibility to perform it for the dear departed ones and ancestors.

Since ages, Hindus have visited the holy rivers to perform the shraadh ceremony to honour their dear departed ones and their ancestors. The shraadh ceremony is done with the Sun as the witness and the river as the vehicle for offering the oblations to the departed.

The offerings are holy water, milk, flowers, sandalwood paste, etc. and the pind – a ball made of a mixture of wheat, rice flour, sesame seeds, milk and honey. We also express gratitude by serving as much food as we can, in the name of our ancestors, to all the beings around us, from ants, insects, birds, animals to human beings as much as we can.


The sacred ceremonies and food donation are expressions of gratitude and respect to our lineage which brings salvation to the departed souls, frees them from the pains of lower astral realms and clears their way for higher evolution. In return, we receive their blessings which provides us momentum in our relationships, career, abundance, progeny and so on.

Very often, blocked progress is a sign of blockages in our lineage that affects every area of our life. The above leads to unhooking from our past – people and situations. This lightens the lineage karma which, in turn, is reflected in our life as a lightness of existence. It purifies us immensely, thus making us energetically lighter and brighter, which consequently helps us to grow, prosper and evolve.

It changes the frequency of our lineage, which changes our own frequency. It releases us and it releases them, thus helping both journeys towards freedom. One can see the improvement in their stability and thoughts that enable us to weather any storms.


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